Juan Lobato
Perote (Natural de Álora) de nacimiento y corazón. Nace en Álora (Málaga) en una casa humilde en Septiembre de 1.962.
El 17 de este mes, casi comenzando el veranillo del membrillo, como se dice en aquel lugar, viene al mundo este artista.
Es el tercero de cinco hermanos y ya de adolescente su curiosidad por todo lo que rodea la palabra arte se refleja en lo que hace en su vida cotidiana.
En el colegio con teatro, música con el coro, danza o flamenco, incluso de vez en cuando se le escapa alguna copla.
La década de los ochenta, como a muchos artistas marca su vida, en su búsqueda por encontrar su sitio no deja de explorar nuevas facetas de arte, tambien el diseño de moda llamó a su puerta timidamente.
En los noventa se afinca en Fuengirola, aunque en los primeros años se mueve por otras ciudades, termina volviendo definitivamente a su Málaga natal.
Hace unos años empieza a asistir a un taller de grabados y allí encuentra la manera de enseñarnos todo lo que lleva dentro, lo que le inspira y lo que ven sus ojos a través de sus trabajos. Es aquí en Fuengirola donde vive y trabaja para seguir mostrando todo su arte.
Perote from birth and in his heart, born in Alora (Malaga) in a humble home in September of the year 1962.
On the 17th of the month, at the cusp of Quince’s summer, as they say there, into this world comes this artist. The third of five children, from his early teens he demonstrated his curiosity for everything to do with the word art and was reflected in his everyday life.
In school with theater, music with the chorus, dance or flamenco, even from time to time you might catch a “copla” escape from his lips.
The decade of the eighties, like with many artists marked his life, and in his quest to find his place he continued to explore new facets of art, fashion design also timidly knocked on his door.
In the nineties he settled down in Fuengirola, although the first few years he moved about in other cities, he returned definitively to his native Málaga .
A few years ago he began attending an engravings print workshop and there he found his a way to show us what he holds inside himself, what inspires him and what his eyes see through his works. It’s in Fuengirola where he now lives and works as he continues to show us all his art.